Welcome New DesignCharrette.com Members!
This page contains helpful information for new members of the DesignCharrette.com online collaboration and communication platform. As a new member you now have access to the following benefits:
- Ability to view featured projects and instructive design charrettes
- Ability to post to helpful forums
- Discounts for online, on-demand training available through the EnergySmart Institute
- Ability to announce your project(s) - (Fees apply for project postings)
- Ability to become a valued team member for open design charrette talent calls
- Option to post professional credentials and experience using design charrettes for projects
More benefits continually introduced for new DCcom members so thank you for joining us!
Please note the following suggestions regarding getting the most from your DCcom membership:
(Information to become available at the Spring 2019 Relaunch of this DesignCharrette.com Online Platform)